NEWSLETTER #3 How to develop students’ critical thinking? Follow the PRACTICE project! WHAT is PRACTICE? PRACTICE is a European project, funded by Erasmus+ programme, started in September 2018 and coordinated by Centro per lo Sviluppo Creativo Danilo Dolci.
The project aims to develop, test and spread an EU-wide continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers focussing on promotion of social, civic & intercultural competences & critical thinking of secondary school students, to prevent radicalisation.
The project activities are carried out throughout 6 different European countries: Italy, Austria, Denmark, Germany, Greece and UK. WHERE ARE WE NOW? During the first phase of the project, the partners carried out a research to analyse weaknesses and good practices of current CPD methods and formats across Europe; tools and methods for the promotion of critical thinking in the classroom; policies and practices on radicalism prevention at national and EU levels. After the research phase, and basing on the findings collected, partners developed a first prototype version of the CPD programme addressed to secondary school teachers and students.
The project’s partners have worked together in close cooperation during this first year and a half, meeting in Liverpool in April 2019, and again in Innsbruck in November 2019, to analyse together the results of the research and organise the development of the CPD programme, to actually meet the identified needs of the educational context in their country and plan piloting activities and effecting interventions at local level.
![]() The development of the programme took several months and, after its completion, last September, 14 experts in teachers’ training and radicalisation prevention met in Città di Castello, Italy, for a summer school aimed at train the trainers who will deliver the programme to teachers at local level.
The experts had the chance to analyse together and experiment in practice the training modules developed in the framework of the PRACTICE Radicalisation Prevention Programme, discussing about opportunities and modalities of implementation of the programme in schools.
Participants had also the occasion to hear the interventions of experts who presented different perspective to the topic of radicalisation prevention, and to be involved in study visits, thus allowing a holistic approach to the thematic.
A first part with theoretical backgrounds related to the phenomenon of Radicalisation and the role of school for its prevention, as well as strategies and methods addressed to teachers to develop 6 main areas related to Critical Thinking Skills, such as:
A second part with a catalogue of more than 50 non formal education activities that teachers can use directly in classroom to address controversial issues upon which students can have misinformed views and polarised positions. The activities proposed cover the following topics:
The testing of this programme is already ongoing in partners’ countries, through training seminars and workshops in classroom. We aim to actively involve more than 50 teachers in 25 schools and more than 1000 students around Europe! After the testing, the programme will be available online, as an Open Educational Resource for every teacher willing to acquire new competences in the field of critical thinking! Stay tuned or contact us, to know more!
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