PROVIDE is a web platform for the educational sector, namely for
- Course Providers
- Adult Education and other educational Organisations and their
- Professionals (Trainers, Teachers and other educational staff)
It aims to:
- Facilitating Learning and Validation for educational professionals (Learning space)
- Hosting high quality courses and other learning opportunities for educational professionals (Showroom for course providers as well for hosting organisations that offer job shadowing opportunities)
- Hosting profiles of KA1 projects and grant winning organisations
- Providing a quality approach for European KA1 offers
With this it contributes to the Development of a European platform of OER contents on professionalisation
- Setting up a framework for CPD
- OER (open educational resources)
- Integrating it into a validation approach
PROVIDE is an instrument which is based on and has been developed in the following projects and networks:
- The PROVIDE project
- Developed a CPD system for AE professionals based on the study on “Key Competences for Adult Educators (2006, Research voor Beleid)
- The GINCO network
- Network for course organisers
- GINCO TT project to provide quality assurance instruments
- The IMPACT project
- Investigation ECVET specifications and state of the art of validation in the VET sector and
- providing state of the art learning technologies
- The OWL project of the German Institute for Adult Education
- providing a self-learning platform for the large AE community in Germany