
Thursday, 10.12.2020

When (CET) What Who (roles) How/Format
10:00 – 12:00 Welcome and Introduction Moderator Presentations Q&A

Project Teasers:
CIM & Pitch (Creativity and Innovation)
Job-bridge (Volunteering)
Partners of the projects Presentations

Creativity and Innovation as drivers for prosperity and cohesion:
Vision and Reality
Panel with representatives from Higher Education, Business, Students, Volunteering and NA/EACEA Discussion and Q&A

Organisation of the workshop groups

All participants


Enrolment bingo

Opening of the virtual exhibition Curator/award jury Virtual Walk and talk
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break Opportunity for joint lunch talks Opportunity for joint lunch talks
14:00-16:30 Interactive Workshop sessions #1

Facilitators/Presenters for different virtual formats

8 persons/workshop

1.    Creativity & Innovation

2.    Resilience

3.    Sustainability

4.    Digital teaching & learning

5.    Design Thinking workshops for Students and Volunteers

Interactive Workshop sessions #2 Flipping workshops (each participant can join 2 workshops)
16:30-19:00 Leisure time / exhibition / activating workshops Exhibition project Informal talks, online training sesssions and workshops
19:00 Evening programme Joint aperitif



Theatre Performance

Joint wine tasting


Friday, 11.12.2020


When (CET) What Who (roles) How/Format
10:00 – 12:00 Presentations Presenters Different interactive and digital formats

Award Ceremony

Winners will present their innovative projects in:

·       Higher Education

·       Business

·       Volunteering

Conclusion and recommendations to induce innovation and creativity in future learning programmes Presentation with sketchnotes Presentation and Discussion and adoption
13:00-14:00 Lunch Break Opportunity for joint lunch talks Opportunity for joint lunch talks
14:00-16:00 Project development workshops Interested European stakeholders and community partners to develop joint project ideas and concepts workgroups
open End of conference