reveal15 - Towards a Circular Sustainability Culture
On the 14th and 15th of June, we will organise our 15th reveal conference in Göttingen.
After the big success of the last conference in September 2022 we decided to make the “Circular Sustainability Culture” a yearly international event.
In 2023, offers “Open Learning and Development Spaces for Sustainability and Local Development” and introduces creative, learning, development and citizen-science projects.
For the reveal15 event, we have invited 10 European projects and local communities to join in our active conference and exhibition format – we will talk less and experiment more! At the conference, we are expecting a large transnational audience of 150 people from more than 15 European countries.
A specific focus is on the development of products and value chains related to the circular carbon economy.

This relates to the recovery of residual organic waste and the conversion into climate-friendly and CO2-negative products and services, for instance for urban (community) gardens, ecological building, energy-saving projects, applied water management, permeable city and even healthcare projects.
At reveal15 we introduce the circular carbon economy in a holistic approach involving all educational sectors and social and cultural activities. European and local projects and initiatives will present their tangible products and prototypes in a special exhibition format and let the participants experience and try them out in transnational teams along an active exhibition circuit.
The exhibition works in an innovative hybrid (digitally supported) format in which everyone can explore the exhibits at their own speed and at different depths of information and concepts.
We are offering a comprehensive programme of short inputs, workshops, and guided exhibition tours that you can compile individually. There will be an exciting culture programme with a concert of the Blue Chamber Quartet (on WED evening) and an Impro Theatre (on THU evening).
The main conference day is Thursday the 15th of June, but the event already starts on Wednesday afternoon with a get-together, warm-up and the concert in the evening.
Please plan to join us at least from WED afternoon to THU evening.