Universities and Research Institutes

Since more than 15 years we have been developing and managing projects with European Higher Education Institutes in different domains, primarily in Education, Cross-cutting subjects (like entrepreneurship, validation) and topics related to climate change mitigation and sustainability.

We cooperate with Higher Education institutions in Research and Development (R&D) in the following countries:

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  • European University of Tirana
    • Dr. Ketrina Cabiri Mijo, Prof. Emira Quosia
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship and competences related to service orientation in University courses
  • University of Elbasan “Aleksander Xhuvani”
    • Prof. Altin Idrizi
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship and competences and Competences related to service orientation in University courses

Bosnia and Herzegovina

  • University of Sarajevo, Institute for Mechanical Engineering
    • Prof. Branko Vucijak
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship and competences related to service orientation in University courses
  • University of East Sarajevo
    • Prof. Goran Orašanin
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship Competences (REBUS)


  • Aarhus University
    • Dr. Hanne Wacher Kjaergaard
    • Validation of Social, Personal and Organisational Competences in HEI courses


  • University of Tartu
    • Prof. Katrin Heinsoo
    • Capacity Building  regional sustainability development projects PROGRASS


  • University LaSalle
    • Abdoulaye Kane
    • UniLaSalle – campus de Beauvais- 19 rue Pierre Waguet, BP 30313


  • University of Göttingen
    • Prof. H.-D. Haller
    • Development LEVEL5 validation system (2005-2010)
  • University of Kassel
    • Prof. Bernd Overwien
    • Application and development validation systems in mobility (2008-2011)
  • German Institute for Adult Education
    • Dr. Peter Brandt, Carmen Biel
    • Cooperation in CPD projects and the OWL project, joint conferencing and the REVEAL project
  • University Duisburg Essen
    • Prof. Esther Winther
    • Entrepreneurship Competence Development and Validation
    • Creativity and Innovation Management
    • Cooperation in projects REBUS, e-VIVA, PITCH
    • Development of a mobile and open source questionnaire app
    • Collaboration in the Master of Innopreneurship (module on products on alternative biochar)
  • University of Kassel
    • Prof. Michael Wachendorf, Dr. Korbinian Kätzl
    • Capacity Building for regional sustainability development projects within the PROGRASS network
    • RE-DIRECT project
    • THREE C project on the circular carbon economy
    • CapCall project on urban farming and reutilsation of biomass for alternative coal products
  • University of Kassel, Competence Centre CLIMA
    • Dr. Kathrin Stenchly
    • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitogation projects (with a focus on Africa)
  • PFH Göttingen
    • Dr. Markus Müller, Kerstin Schmidtmann
    • Development and Coopperation in the Project PROMOTE (Prosthetics and Orthotics Master)


  • Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
    • Prof. George Zarifis
    • Application and development of validation and competence Oriented Learning approaches in VET and in AE
    • Integration of Creativity and Innovation Management in HE courses


  • Dublin City University

    • Prof. John Lalor
    • Integration of Creativity and Innovation Management in HE courses


  • Istituto per le Tecnologie Didattiche (ITD), the Consortio National Ricerca, Palermo (IT)
    • Dr. Davide Taibi; Interface programming between LMS, e-portfolios and validation systems
    • Digitalisation courses in HEI
    • Integration of Creativity and Innovation Management in HE courses
  • Scuola Superiore St. Anna, University of  Pisa
    • Dttsa. Enrica Pautasso
    • Cooperation in different Validation projects with LEVEL5
    • Culture, Digitalisation, P&O
  • University of Perugia
    • Prof. Gabriella Klein
    • Capacity Building with and competence validation in anti racism projects with LEVEL5
    • Participatory Migration Projects
  • University of Palermo
    • Dr Biaggio Lenzitti
    • Development and Validation of Digitalisation and Entrepreneurship Competences


  • Universum College Prishtinë
    • Prof. Uran Traci
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship Competences
  • University of Gjilan “Kadri Zeka”
    • Prof. Xhevdet Thaqi
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship Competences


  • Vitautas Magnus University of Kaunas
    • Prof. Margarita Teresevičienė, Dr. Elena Trepule
    • Application and development LEVEL5 validation system in mobility projects (Erasmus) in higher education and on key competences
  • University of Vilnius
    • Dr. Ausra Razgune, Dr. Laima Urbsienė
    • Integration of Creativity and Innovation Management in HE courses
    • Promoting Service Competences in HEI


  • University of Montenegro
    • Dr. Jelena Jovanović
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship Competences


  • Plato Institute at the University of Leiden
    • Dr. Jaap van Laakerfeld
    • Connection of LEVEL5-validation system with the KC AE concept (2013- …), cultural projects, the REVEAL project and in cultural heritage projects
  • University of Applied Sciences, Tilburg
    • Eefje Smit, Tom Goris, Martin G. Wolf
    • connection of LEVEL5-validation system with an innovative educational concept for the introduction of Circular Economy and Soil Science in schools (2014-2017)


  • Poznan University
    • Prof. Piotr Golinski
    • Capacity Building with and competence validation for regional sustainability development projects


  • Instituto Politecnico di Leira
    • Prof. Roberto Gambeo
    • Development and Validation in courses for tourism and cultural heritage


  • Volga State University of Technology
    • Prof. Eldar Alikramovic Kurbanov
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship Competences, focus on sustainability
  • Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Information Science”, SibSUTIS
    • Prof. Boris Krouk
    • Development and Validation of Entrepreneurship Competences, focus on digitalisation


  • Middle East Technical University (METU) Ankara
    • Prof. Ali Yildirim, Prof. Hanife Akar
    • Application and further development oft he LEVEL5 validation system in curricular and extracurricular education projects and teacher training (2005-2017) in European Schools

United Kingdom

  • University College London
    • Dr. Gai Jorayev, Dr. Sarah Wolferstan
    • Application and development validation systems (2013-2016) in mobility projects (Erasmus) and validation of entrepreneurial skills in higher education, and projects on cultural heritage
  • University of Aberysthwyth, Wales
    • Prof. Iain Donnison,  Dr. Mareicia Fraser,
    • Capacity Building with and competence validation for regional sustainability development projects