
The European network “REVEAL” (European Research and Development Network for the promotion and validation of informal and non-formal learning) has been developed since 2005 and currently consists of institutions and individuals from 22 European Member States, including universities, European umbrella organisations, educational institutions, schools, vocational training institutions and various non-governmental organisations from different sectors.

REVEAL was founded as European network to offer the LEVEL5 system and the related products and services in Europe.
Since 2005, 16 European development projects with more than 150 local learning projects have been carried out in all sectors of education in Europe.

On REVEAL conferences, European experts from practice and research meet annually to share experiences, to celebrate the winners of the European my-VITA award, and to prepare joint projects together.
REVEAL and its members see themselves as a service for people and institutions to develop new ideas and projects, and enjoy learning in an innovative way.

REVEAL is a registered non-profit organisation with a legal seat in Germany.