
Competences+ in a nutshell

Our Competences+ project comes to an end. We can look back on 24 busy months. We want to introduce you to our products in this article. Compétences+ is a 2-year Erasmus+ strategic partnership (Adult Education) developed by ADICE (lead partner) and 3 other European partners: ASPEM in Italy, EPN in England and Blinc in Germany. The project aims to help participants in mobility projects to continue the educational process they benefited from before and during international mobility in order to…

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2-day training upon mobility

The Competences+ team has elaborated a 2-days training module to help access the labor market by valorizing skills acquired during volunteering and mobility experience abroad. The objective of the training is to support those who return form a mobility experience to frame and propose the competences acquired abroad for their job search prospective. The two days offer activities that allow participants to correctly define the skills acquired and be able to describe them during a job interview. The dynamic and…

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The Competences+ smartphone app to track your mobility experience

The objective of the Competences+ application is to collect the participants’ experience during their mobility project. They will be able to take pictures, write their story and keep the memory of their mobility project directly on their phone. At the end of the international mobility, the experiences and testimonies recorded by the participants can be exported directly from their phones in PDF format. With the idea of a logbook, the portfolio of experiences and testimonies can be used to promote…

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Competences+ Online training for people returning from a mobility

Competences+ is a two year project that aims at creating innovative tools to help participants access the labour market. In the past year the website was created for people who participated in a mobility project and are now back from their journey. It provides information that is required to get access to the labour market, get back to training or become an entrepreneur. The website contains three sections. An information collection of available offers and measures that support people…

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Competences+ Investigative Study

Competences+ is an ERASMUS+ project with the objective to help participants in transnational work-based mobility projects to access the labour market upon their return in order to continue the educational process they had started before departure. This involves creating attractive tools for participants and promoting the added value of mobility projects to employers. The project is managed by ADICE from Roubaix in France. ASPEm from Italy, blinc from Germany and European Placement Network from the UK are partners. The project…

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Competences+ is a new ERASMUS+ project that project aims to reflect and exchange on current good practice to create innovative tools to help people of all ages to access the labour market. This will include preparation for interviews, guidance on writing a CV and the development of a phone application to showcase achievements and experiences gained during periods of transnational work-based learning. These materials will be available in November 2019 in English, French, German and Italian. Find out more about…

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