A full-day programme – Connecting technologies, social innovation and community development was the central aim of the 14th Reveal Conference, which took place in Göttingen on 14 September 2022. In close cooperation with the THREE C project, GSD, Climate Box and other European projects, this major event was accompanied by sustainability activities at various levels. The programme of this conference used a completely new and innovative approach to present ideas, generate interest, encourage and challenge exchange and at the same…

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DEAL goes Europe

2 days, 72 students, 8 prototypes and a lot of creativity later, the workshop “Innovations in Digital Learning at European Universities” came to a successful end. Design in short theoretical inputs combined with online collaboration sessions, students from all over Europe worked together and explored the Design Based Collaborative Learning approach and made their first experiences. The main feature of this workshop was that it was interdisciplinary, involving students from a wide range of disciplines such as physics, adult education, social…

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Deal at the REVEAL 12 – This was the conference

The 12th Reveal conference in a hybrid format has just been held with a successful presentation of different formats combining online participants from all over Europe and local participants from Palermo as well as some European partners we had the pleasure to travel to. In close contact with the Datalit and Pitch project, the Deal project offered a first insight into new and innovative learning approaches that can be used in different scenarios. The concept was characterised by a mixture…

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DEAL – Have you heard of the DEAL PLATFORM

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   Another step in the development process of the DEAL project has been taken. A first version of the DEAL learning platform has just been published. Although it is only a draft version, the concept and methodology that will be used are already in place in rudimentary form. The partnership has invested a lot of time in developing the first modules for competence-based learning and validation, as well as promoting the design thinking approach. And…

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DEAL in “Seeking and mastering challenges”

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   The DEAL project has been running for almost 6 months and the partnership is working closely together to finalise the country mapping report. Interviews were conducted and online questionnaires were created in 6 countries to assess the needs of adult educators. These findings have been summarised and form the basis for the next steps of the DEAL project, the development of a competence framework and a modular learning approach based on it. Together with…

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The first DEAL flyer was just released

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   The first three months of the project are already behind us, focusing on taking stock phase but also keeping an eye on the development of the DEAL concept as a whole. Read our first flyer and stay tuned for further developments. Deal flyer Your DEAL team

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DEAL – Just started

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   “Online learning and collaboration were simply not envisaged as a standard mode of working and learning in adult education and professional development programmes.” Against this background, the DEAL project promotes the acquisition of competences required for adult educators. Seven partners from six European countries – adult education institutes (from DE, UK, IT, SE and SK) in cooperation with further education institutes for adult education professionals (DE, NL) specialised in blended learning, digitisation and learning…

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