Advancing eDialogue: Meeting Updates and Training Program Insights

The eDialogue consortium recently held a productive meeting to discuss the progress of the project and the development of training modules and Open Educational Resources (OER). The consortium’s plan is to pilot the training program with 30 teachers and trainers in each partner country before the summer holidays. The eDialogue Training Programme comprises two key sections: the “Package for Educators” and the “eLearning Platform & Open Educational Resources.” These sections provide comprehensive access to a wide range of topics, including social inclusion, discrimination, segregation, racism, bullying and cyberbullying, radicalization, fake news, and online misinformation. Through the eDialogue platform, educators can engage with interactive activities, informative videos, and engaging presentations to enhance their classroom practices.

Exploring the ‘Package for Educators’

The ‘Package for Educators’ offers educators valuable access to an array of topics essential to inclusive education. Within this section, educators can browse a repository of activities, access information, express their opinions on the content, and contribute their own ideas for application in the classroom. The theoretical content is complemented by explanatory videos, interactive games, and engaging presentations. By utilizing this package, educators can foster a more inclusive and enriching learning experience for their students.

Unveiling the ‘eLearning Platform & Open Educational Resources’

The ‘eLearning Platform & Open Educational Resources’ section builds upon the themes covered in the initial training course. It provides educators with a curated selection of recommended educational resources designed to enhance the quality of education for students. Each resource includes a concise summary, enabling educators to select the most suitable OERs based on their training goals. This section serves as a valuable tool for educators seeking to incorporate high-quality resources that align with their teaching objectives.

Opportunity to Participate in the Pilot

If you are interested in participating in the pilot program, we invite you to contact us and express your interest. By joining the pilot, you will have the opportunity to engage with the training program firsthand, provide feedback, and contribute to the further development of eDialogue. Your participation will play a crucial role in shaping the project’s success and ensuring its effectiveness in promoting inclusive education.

Join the eDialogue E-Learning Platform

We encourage you to join our eDialogue E-learning platform, where you can access a wealth of resources, engage in discussions, and enhance your professional development. This platform serves as a dynamic space for educators to connect, learn from one another, and collectively work towards fostering inclusive educational environments.

Stay Connected and Stay Informed

To stay updated on the latest developments and progress of the eDialogue project, we invite you to follow us on Facebook and Instagram. By doing so, you will gain access to timely updates, informative content, and opportunities for collaboration within the eDialogue community. Together, we can make a lasting impact on education and empower students to navigate societal challenges with resilience and empathy.

Together for Inclusive Education: Join the eDialogue Community

The eDialogue project is making significant strides towards promoting inclusive education and empowering educators. The consortium’s recent meeting showcased the ongoing development of training modules and Open Educational Resources. The eDialogue Training Programme offers a comprehensive package for educators, providing access to essential topics and engaging materials. The eLearning Platform & Open Educational Resources section serves as a valuable resource hub for educators seeking to enhance the quality of education they deliver. By joining the pilot program, educators can actively contribute to the project’s success and shape the future of inclusive education. Join the eDialogue E-learning platform to access a wealth of resources, engage in discussions, and stay connected with the project’s progress.

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to stay updated.