
My e-Start: Manual for Trainers

The manual for trainers helps integrating the My e-Start online course into F2F learning sessions. It consists of a PDF file with information and instructions as well as accompanying power point slides to use during F2F learning sessions. All documents in one ZIP file Manual for trainers: Main document for trainers Slides for Trainers – VII, Intro & Entry level Slides for Trainers – VII, Module 1: Browsing, searching and finding information Slides for Trainers – VII, Module 2: Safety,…

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Online survey addressing VET institutions

The everGREEN project is currently mapping green practices used in VET. Our goal is to comprehend the level of understanding and the difficulties in implementing such practices in VET institutes with the aim of developing resources that are useful and appropriate to their needs. If you are a representative of a VET institution, we invite you to participate in our survey and fill in our questionnaire. English questionnaire German questionnaire French questionnaire Spanish questionnaire Italian questionnaire Greek questionnaire

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DigiArts Partner Meeting in Turin

On 14./15.06.2022 the partners of the DigiArts project met in Turin for their first face-to-face meeting. Due to the pandemic, unfortunately, the partners could only meet online so far. Therefore, it was a great opportunity to get to know everybody on a more personal level and talk about the project, while all sitting in the same room. Open questions could be answered and the next steps in the project were planned. The next time the partners will meet is at…

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My e-Start learning platform is online

We are proud to announce that the My e-Start learning platform for learners with low digital literacy skills is now freely available online. The platform contains and online course that teaches digital skills in easy to understand language – tailored specifically to the target group that is particularly at risk of digital exclusion. A set of learning modules which include interactive elements, step-by-step learning activities and informative videos await you! Click here to check out our course If you need…

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Webinar “Kultursensible Pflege im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen – Module aus dem EU-Projekt ICare in Ausbildungsinhalte integrieren”

Kultursensible Pflege im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen – Module aus dem EU-Projekt ICare in Ausbildungsinhalte integrieren Wir möchten Sie ganz herzlich einladen am 10.2.2022 von 10-15:30 Uhr am Webinar “Kultursensible Pflege im Sozial- und Gesundheitswesen – Module aus dem EU-Projekt ICare in Ausbildungsinhalte integrieren” teilzunehmen. Frau Dr. Leena Ferogh wird die Veranstaltung zusammen mit weiteren Teamkolleg*innen der Göttinger Bildungseinrichtungen blinc eG und BUPNET GmbH durchführen. Ziel der Veranstaltung ist es, die im Projekt ICare erarbeiteten Module und Lernmaterialien kennenzulernen und für…

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DATALIT & DEDALUS at the ERASMUSDAYS (15th October 2021)

We would like to invite you all to attend the round table we have organized in the framework of the ErasmusDays on 15th October 2021. The event will last two hours from 10 to 12 (CEST). More info about the event is available here: Dataninja is supporting the event from the technical side and they set up the following channels to join the round table: Dataninja Youtube Channel – link to the live stream Dataninja Facebook Page – link…

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