At blinc eG, we are happy to be part of the new Erasmus+ DISCKids project (Developing Inclusive Sports Capacity for Kids), which brings together partners from Germany, Finland, and Latvia to strengthen and expand a unique type of health enhancing sports activities for children. Working alongside the Finnish Disc Golf Association, the Latvian Frisbee Sports Federation, the German Frisbeesport Association, the inclusive sports club Pfeffersport in Berlin, and the disc golf club Jyväskylän Liitokiekkoilijat in Finland, our main goal is to encourage more children to get outdoors and engage in the healthy physical activity of disc golf.

The sport of “disc golf”, in which a flying disc must be moved from a series of starting points into target baskets using as few throws as possible, with each throw moving the player closer to the target, offers a unique form of low-impact exercise that is both highly accessible and immediately enjoyable.  Disc golf courses are typically located in public parks, are free to play, and are utilized by people of all ages, genders, levels of athleticism and social statuses.

In today’s digital world, children spend less time being active and even less time outside in nature. DISCKids aims to change that by promoting disc golf—a sport that’s accessible to anyone who can throw a Frisbee and move around outdoors. Beyond the enjoyment it offers, disc golf encourages physical activity through low-impact, purposeful hikes through varied terrain, making it an ideal way for kids of all abilities to explore and stay active.

The core of the DISCKids project focuses on empowering disc golf clubs across Europe, especially in Germany, to introduce kids to this engaging sport. This includes:

  • Guidance and Support: Our team connects with German disc golf clubs interested in children’s programs to understand their challenges and develop tailored support plans.
  • Networking Opportunities: We foster connections between clubs to enable resource and experience sharing, making it easier to overcome common hurdles together.
  • Starter Kits: Through collaborations with sponsors, we provide starter kits for clubs to kickstart disc golf activities for children.
  • Promotional Materials: We produce resources that highlight the benefits of disc golf and motivate children to give it a try.
  • Training for Coaches: We organize workshops for disc golf coaches on best practices for engaging young players.
  • Online Learning Resources: We’re developing digital training tools and a collection of fun, kid-friendly disc golf activities to inspire coaches with new ideas.

If you’d like to learn more or get involved, feel free to contact the project staff at Stay updated on our progress and upcoming activities by following us on Instagram ( and Facebook (DISCKids EU Project)