The first structure and already much of the content of the modular learning system is available on the T4SD platform and can be downloaded. Over the last months, the partnership has been working on the development of the modular learning system, which can potentially be a great support for the implementation of sustainability in your company or organisation.

The T4SD approach is based on five modules that are designed as learning units linking knowledge and related objectives (in the form of tasks and activities), where individual needs are an important element and platform is designed accordingly. The design of the platform is a Moodle system – an LMS – which is used as a central software bridge. By using its functions, modules can be downloaded and printed as well as used directly online. By creating modules that can be used as a whole or in small packages, users can decide how deeply they want to dive into each material. Free registration on the platform is necessary to allow users to stop and return to certain topics at any time without having to start from the beginning. Another benefit that can also be taken advantage of are the additional features such as the use of the e-portfolio system as well as the possibility to use the LEVEL5 validation system (link).

The first official test phase will start in February 2022 as part of the SD course (link).

Stay tuned for more information!