
Why Older Entrepreneurs are More Successful?

Starting a business after 50 can be challenging, but unique factors contribute to the success of older entrepreneurs. Explore why 50-something entrepreneurs excel in this article: Older Founders: 5 Reasons Why 50-Something Entrepreneurs Are More Successful. Reinventing Yourself at 66 SEPTEMBER 19, 2022 It’s never too late to reinvent yourself. Paul Tasner, who founded his own start-up at 66 after working for others for 40 years, shares his experience in this inspirational talk: How I became an entrepreneur at 66…

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Final conference – My e-Start joins forces with the REVEAL conference

From 13 – 15 September 2022, My e-Start joins forces with 9 other projects to organise the 14th REVEAL conference in Göttingen, Germany. Our motto is “Open Learning and Development Spaces for Sustainability and Community Development”. European projects as well as local communities are invited to join in this new conference format – we will talk less and experiment more! My e-Start as well as other European and local projects and initiatives will present their tangible products and prototypes in a special…

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My e-Start: Manual for Trainers

The My e-Start Manual for Trainers provides adult trainers and educators with resources and tools to train and support adults to use the My e-Start platform and enhance their digital skills in general. The manual and the accompanying slide decks are available to download in the following languages: English Bulgarian German Greek The manual includes an overview of the main digital competences in all participating countries, an introduction to the most popular e-government and e-commerce services, while it also familiarizes…

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My e-Start: Manual for Trainers

The manual for trainers helps integrating the My e-Start online course into F2F learning sessions. It consists of a PDF file with information and instructions as well as accompanying power point slides to use during F2F learning sessions. All documents in one ZIP file Manual for trainers: Main document for trainers Slides for Trainers – VII, Intro & Entry level Slides for Trainers – VII, Module 1: Browsing, searching and finding information Slides for Trainers – VII, Module 2: Safety,…

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Introducing eDialogue’s Inaugural Newsletter: Addressing Social Inclusion in European School Education

Introducing eDialogue’s Inaugural Newsletter: Addressing Social Inclusion in European School Education We are thrilled to announce the launch of our first newsletter as part of the groundbreaking eDialogue project. This initiative aims to tackle the challenges and needs identified in European societies, with a specific focus on school education. With the collaborative efforts of seven partners from Spain, Poland, Greece, Cyprus, Serbia, and Germany, we have developed concrete actions to support and empower teachers and educators in utilizing digital tools…

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GSD – Kick-Off meeting in Göttingen

The GSD project finally had its kick-off meeting in Göttingen The GSD project officially kicked off with its first face-to-face meeting in Göttingen at the end of June 2022. All six partners from five European countries – Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and Sweden as well as Germany as host – came together to focus on the common goal: Raising awareness and empowering adult learners to change their behaviour and actively engage in sustainability and create sustainable development projects. The partnership…

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Online survey addressing VET institutions

The everGREEN project is currently mapping green practices used in VET. Our goal is to comprehend the level of understanding and the difficulties in implementing such practices in VET institutes with the aim of developing resources that are useful and appropriate to their needs. If you are a representative of a VET institution, we invite you to participate in our survey and fill in our questionnaire. English questionnaire German questionnaire French questionnaire Spanish questionnaire Italian questionnaire Greek questionnaire

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DREAMM Intercultural Field Trip to the “Heilpflanzengarten” in Celle

Another DREAMM intercultural field trip, part of the DREAMM project component “Familiarising with the Place”, took place on 18.06.2022.  This time, our DREAMM project mentors chose the “Heilpflanzengarten” in Celle, a botanical garden specialising in plants with medicinal benefits according to traditional and modern medicine. 14 people joined the field trip, including both Germans and people from Iran, Iraq, Guatemala and Columbia.  The group took the train to Celle using Germany’s popular “9-euro-ticket”.  Despite 30 degree heat, participants thoroughly enjoyed…

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DigiArts Partner Meeting in Turin

On 14./15.06.2022 the partners of the DigiArts project met in Turin for their first face-to-face meeting. Due to the pandemic, unfortunately, the partners could only meet online so far. Therefore, it was a great opportunity to get to know everybody on a more personal level and talk about the project, while all sitting in the same room. Open questions could be answered and the next steps in the project were planned. The next time the partners will meet is at…

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