My e-Start learning platform is online

We are proud to announce that the My e-Start learning platform for learners with low digital literacy skills is now freely available online. The platform contains and online course that teaches digital skills in easy to understand language – tailored specifically to the target group that is particularly at risk of digital exclusion. A set of learning modules which include interactive elements, step-by-step learning activities and informative videos await you! Click here to check out our course If you need…

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SASSI LLC – Kick-off

The SASSI LLC project kick-off meeting was held in Göttingen, both in-person and online. This project builds on the foundations of SASSI and SASSI-Working On, and welcomes a new partner, CATRO Bulgaria, an HR company bringing valuable expertise in entrepreneurship. Partners discussed their connection to the concept of Olderpreneurship and its significance: Some have direct experience through courses they organize for older individuals. Active elderly people benefit society and themselves by feeling valued, purposeful, and important. The science of aging…

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VIVA contributing to REVEAL13 conference

The VIVA project partners will be present at the 13th REVEAL conference in Thessaloniki and exchange experiences on the first 2 workpackages that they have been working on, especially the competence framework for digitalisation competences both from HEI teaching staff and students. They will bring in their expertise in digitally supported learning in 2 workgroups. Partners joining in are from LT, DE, SER, PT and IT.

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DREAMM “One-Stop-Shop” in Altwarmbüchen

In cooperation with the local nonprofit organisation Caspo e.V. , DREAMM Lead Mentor  H.-C. Fröhlich began providing weekly orientation and counseling services to newly-arrived Ukrainian refugees from Caspo’s „GRATA“ office in Altwarmbüchen.  The counseling services, which began on April 8th, 2022,  are available by appointment every Friday.

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DALFYS – Piloting is gonna start soon

All lessons have been translated in several languages Data Literacy in seven languages! It is the result of a great work of the Dalfys’ consortium members that have dealt with the English version of the Data Literacy course created by Dataninja. Each partner, with the help of English-speaking teachers, worked to translate all four modules composed of approximately 150 slides. It is a huge result because it entails a big step ahead in terms of inclusion and accessibility for our…

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DREAMM Being a Citizen Workshop: Intercultural Museum Visit

17 participants from Germany, Armenia, Columbia, Guatamala and Iraq joined the intercultural field trip to the “Textile Museum” in Hannover, organised by DREAMM project mentors in Altwarmbüchen.  The trip was part of the project’s “Being a Citzen” Workshop series, and was designed to help participants appreciate certain lesser-known aspects of local and national history. 

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DALFYS – Ready to go

Lesson plan and learning units, now we have it!! Great news from the Dalfys project! In the past weeks (and months) partners worked a lot to shape the educational offering of the project. The first news is that Dataninja has created a basic course focused on Data Literacy, composed of four modules. The course has been released within the project website under a specific section called Dalfys Educational Content. Here all partners can learn the basics of data literacy, as…

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DEAL goes Europe

2 days, 72 students, 8 prototypes and a lot of creativity later, the workshop “Innovations in Digital Learning at European Universities” came to a successful end. Design in short theoretical inputs combined with online collaboration sessions, students from all over Europe worked together and explored the Design Based Collaborative Learning approach and made their first experiences. The main feature of this workshop was that it was interdisciplinary, involving students from a wide range of disciplines such as physics, adult education, social…

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DREAMM – Field Trip to the “Castle Garden” in Hannover-Herrenhausen

As part of the DREAMM project’s “Familiarizing with the Place” workshops, two DREAMM mentors in Hannover-Altwarmbüchen organised and led an excursion for a group of participants of German and non-German origin to the “Berggarten” (Castle Garden) in Hannover-Herrenhausen. The goal of the outing was to visit a local attraction that would be exciting for both “locals” and “new(ish) arrivals.” At the same time, low-threshold, mutual integration impulses were to be encouraged in a relaxed atmosphere. While they viewed a photo…

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