
DELPHI News #1

We are happy to present our first DELPHI newsletter, which outlines the aims of our project and reports what we have achieved so far. It also contains an interesting article about our train the trainer course in the context of the open Monuments in Cagliari, Sardinia. We hope you enjoy it. Open or download the Delphi Newsletter No. 1    

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Moving forward – second meeting in Turkey

The second VESVET Team Meeting took place a few days ago in Didim, Turkey on May 15-16, 2019. During the meeting partners discussed and clarified the list of Entrepreneurial sub-competences for VET learners and how these will be used based on the LEVEL5 system. We developed game ideas for vocational education and training and defined key topics for Teachers/Supervisors Handbook in correlation with LEVEL5 reference systems. apart from that, we enjoyed the great hospitality of our Turkish partners. THANKS Didim…

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Competences+ Online training for people returning from a mobility

Competences+ is a two year project that aims at creating innovative tools to help participants access the labour market. In the past year the website was created for people who participated in a mobility project and are now back from their journey. It provides information that is required to get access to the labour market, get back to training or become an entrepreneur. The website contains three sections. An information collection of available offers and measures that support people…

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PRACTICE – 2nd transantional meeting in Liverpool

Update – The second PACTICE meeting took place in Liverpool at the beginning of April. The project PRACTICE – Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences – will, among other things, develop an innovative, EU-wide programme for the prevention of radicalism in school education. The main objective of the second meeting was to exchange and finalize the field research, to provide an intensive phase of interviews with teachers and stakeholders and to provide a comprehensive and detailed basis for the further…

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Launch of Job Bridge surveys!

Job Bridge project partners are launching two surveys to help them analyse the situation regarding validation and volunteering in the EU. One is addressing former and current volunteers, the other addresses volunteer-based organisations (facilitators of volunteers).       Are you a former or current volunteer? Do you want to share your experience with us? Take the survey here: Are you a volunteer facilitator? Do you want to share your experience with us? Take the survey here: Thank…

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T4S – Research and Progress

The process of developing a good research pattern – During the last month, the T4S team focused on developing a research pattern, which included detailed desk research, a survey focusing on CSR practices in partner countries and interviews with selected experts. Already during this development process, the focus group was defined to the stakeholders who can actually implement the T4S approach – the employees in companies. With these final beneficiaries, the approach was developed into a unique concept. A first…

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Competences+ Investigative Study

Competences+ is an ERASMUS+ project with the objective to help participants in transnational work-based mobility projects to access the labour market upon their return in order to continue the educational process they had started before departure. This involves creating attractive tools for participants and promoting the added value of mobility projects to employers. The project is managed by ADICE from Roubaix in France. ASPEm from Italy, blinc from Germany and European Placement Network from the UK are partners. The project…

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Job Bridge – Kick-off in Paris

On 12./13. of February, 2019, the Job Bridge partners met in Paris for the kick-off meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to get to know to each other and to plan in detail the first project activities. The partners discussed in detail the approach of the stocktaking and needs analysis phase and brainstormed those competences that can be aquired in volunteering activities, on the one hand, and that are at the same time relevant for future employers. Currently…

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PRACTICE – Kick-off meeting

The PRACTICE project – Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences aims to develop EU-wide continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers focussing on promotion of social, civic and intercultural competences and critical thinking of secondary school students. PRACTICE addresses current challenges and needs of preventing radicalisation in school and of supporting opportunities for teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) in this area, by developing, testing and disseminating an innovative approach, using participatory methods collaborative process, that involve 7 partner organisations and…

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Job Bridge – The Start

Volunteering is an important means for (young) people to develop themselves, by building new relationships and gaining a whole set of life skills that can improve their employability. It serves to gather important experience in unknown fields, to develop social, personal and organisational competences. The Job Bridge project – Job Bridge for Volunteers, is a two year project, which aims to offer the means for educational providers dealing with volunteers to assess their volunteers’ competences and to support their learning…

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