
T4SD – Kickoff

T4SD – Time 4 Sustainable Development In January 2020, the T4SD project had its official kick-off meeting in Loughborough, UK. With a similar focus as the T4S project, the follow-up project T4SD aims to support organisations and companies with regard to the 17 SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the improvement of CSR commitment towards them. The team from 6 European nations will develop new methods and contents in the following 2 years, make them available and support companies in the…

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Seasons Greetings 2020

Dear all, Happy New Year to all of you! Since 2011 we have sent out Seasons Greetings to our friends and project and network partners. If you read the introductory flashbacks of the last three years  you may get the impression that they become increasingly pessimistic as far as major societal, political and environmental developments are concerned. So, where do we go and what should we do in the next decade? Today I read an interesting interview with a German…

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Update on the Practice Radicalisation Prevention Programme During the last month, the “Practice Programme for the Prevention of Radicalisation” has been adapted and developed in detail to create a high value programme, a structure that is easy to apply in different teaching situations and that can cover the needs of the partner countries. This collection consists of 14 different modules, divided into two parts – a collection of methods and strategies for teachers and a portfolio of non-formal education activities.…

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T4S – Programme development – 4.5 intensive working days in Turin, Italy

October 2019 – during the first pilot phase of the T4S approach, almost a whole week was spent testing, re-creating, adapting and modifying the system. Each partner + one expert (per country) in the field of CSR have tested the concept over a long period of days in order to check the developed methods and adapt them if necessary. As a reminder: the T4S approach aims at a training concept with innovative methods and tools in the field of cooperative…

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REVEAL Conference in Thessaloniki

On September 26th and 27th the final conference of the REVEAL project and network was organised in Thessaloniki with more than 70 European experts. REVEAL aimed at professionalisation for Adult Educators with a specific focus on European Continuing Professional Development under the ERASMUS KA1 scheme. Within its 2 years lifetime the REVEAL project created: A Large scale survey of the KA1 “market” and its stakeholders A platform ( for those stakeholders, namely grant holders (sending organisations), course provider and hosting…

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Job Bridge – Partner meeting in Rome

The second partner meeting took place on 07./08.10.2019 in Rome. The main purpose was to define the topics of the training course for volunteering facilitators and to set up the curriculum for the three-day course that will take place in February 2020 in Göttingen.         The main topics that are considered relevant are: M1: Setting the context: intro to the course, volunteering as a means to increase job readiness M2: Compentence oriented learning M3: Validation: general infos,…

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PRACTICE – Summer school training in Citta di Castello

At the beginning of September, the Practice Team met in Citta di Castello, Italy, to test and adapt the material developed and the methods of the program for the prevention of radicalization. During an intensive five-day exchange and test phase, the partners there helped to develop a program that aims to prevent radicalism through critical thinking. The mixed group of trainers, teachers, social workers, module and content developers and stakeholders used all their experience and expertise to produce high quality…

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Competences+ in a nutshell

Our Competences+ project comes to an end. We can look back on 24 busy months. We want to introduce you to our products in this article. Compétences+ is a 2-year Erasmus+ strategic partnership (Adult Education) developed by ADICE (lead partner) and 3 other European partners: ASPEM in Italy, EPN in England and Blinc in Germany. The project aims to help participants in mobility projects to continue the educational process they benefited from before and during international mobility in order to…

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2-day training upon mobility

The Competences+ team has elaborated a 2-days training module to help access the labor market by valorizing skills acquired during volunteering and mobility experience abroad. The objective of the training is to support those who return form a mobility experience to frame and propose the competences acquired abroad for their job search prospective. The two days offer activities that allow participants to correctly define the skills acquired and be able to describe them during a job interview. The dynamic and…

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PRACTICE – Upcoming Summer School in Italy

On the basis of the comparative research report, the Practice Partnership developed the programme on the prevention of radicalisation. The programme is divided into two different parts: a collection of different methods and strategies for teachers as theoretical background and support and a collection of different modules with a variety of activities that can be used in the classroom. Each partner used their expertise to design and develop a specific module, which in the end resulted in 14 specific aspects…

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