
REBUS goes to Berlin

The world of eLearning meets in Berlin in the first weeks of December for nearly a decade. The Online EDUCA Berlin (OEB) is one of the largest fairs for technology supported learning. This year REBUS was presented in the framework of the REVEAL network stand organised by blinc together with the German Institute of Adult Education.

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T4S – Kickoff in Alden Biesen

T4S – Time4Society – is a two-year Erasmus+ project focusing on the link between innovative methods and tools for continuing professional development (CPD) and corporate social responsibility (CSR) in the cultural, social and environmental fields. The kick-off meeting took place in November this year in Alden Biesen, Belgium. Partners from six European countries came together in the surroundings of the old castle to discuss and define the key points for the next two years. In detail: Lead partner: blinc eG,…

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Celebrating Successful Inclusion of Migrants and Refugees

In the past months, the project partners piloted the REST training courses in six European countries covering legal and administrative aspects of refugees’ and migrants’ employment, strategies to support their inclusion in the workplace and management of international work teams. On the 23rd of October, the partners met in Palermo for their fifth meeting and the final REST conference. The event was dedicated to social and occupational dimension of refugees’ and migrants’ integration where we presented the REST project and…

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REST – A success story from Palermo

Labour market integration of refugees, asylum seekers and migrants: Learn more about our first success story from Palermo! For English subtitles please activate the subtitles on youtube. Therefore click on the subtitle button below the video.

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Get the REST label!

The REST label recognises organisations that promote an inclusive working climate and diversity at the workplace. Does your organisation employ a refugee or a person with migration background and promotes diversity and an inclusive working climate? Let your stakeholders know about it – get the REST Label! The REST label is a European quality label that provides a clear signal that your organisation has not only committed to hiring refugees or people with migration background but to apply approaches to…

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REVEAL at the Validation festival 2018

REVEAL had a stand at the first validation festival carried out in Brussels with more than 300 participants. We presented our network, the LEVEL5 approach and the running projects. There is a small video on Tim’s 2 min pitch about REVEAL; please have a look. There was a lot of interest especially in our projects and initiatives on entrepreneurship (REBUS),  our integration projects that include LEVEL5 like COME IN, REST and VIC and on cultural heritage and validation (BADGES) .…

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REST newsletter no.3

Do you want to know what`s new in the REST project and get a clearer picture of our training measures and how to participate? Make sure that you do read our third newsletter!

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REST workshops for enterprises

The REST team is offering six different face-to-face workshops for enterprises to assist the job integration of refugees. The workshops are offered in six European regions during summer and autumn 2018: Athens, Greece Kassel, Germany Palermo, Italy Roubaix, France Sofia, Bulgaria Wien, Austria If you do want to participate in one of the workshops please register to our REST community to receive further information.

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