
Information event about REST

      On 31.08.17 the Landkreis Kassel invited representatives of regional enterprises for an after-work event, where the REST idea was presented and discussed. The CEO of on regional enterprise gave an interesting insight on how he succeeded in overcoming initital challenges such as language problems, legal issues and fear. He underlined that one needs some additional time and patience at the beginning of the process but that it can be very rewarding to give a refugee the chance…

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Become part of the REST Community

REST is a European project that supports organisations in hiring and integrating refugees at the workplace. If you are interested in the free of charge REST support, coaching and training that will be offered in spring 2018 register to our REST community to receive further information.

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Survey: Which are the challenges that enterprises face …

… when employing refugees? The partnership is currrently trying to find answers to this and other questions. For this purpose an online survey was set up and a series of interviews will be conducted with enterprises in all partner regions. Also, the partnership tries to identify examples of good practice for the successful integration of refugees into enterprises. If you are interested and want to participate, benefit and support us on different levels, you can:

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  REBUS stands for REady for BUSiness and it is a the large project to create and validate entrepreneurship competences at universities in Balkan countries and Russia. It was designed by the Prof. Branko Vučijak from the University of Sarajevo, Mechanical Engineering Faculty, Bosnia and Herzegovina and two members of the REVEAL community (die berater and blinc) and successfully submitted at the EACEA under the KA2 programme Capacity Building in Higher Education. REBUS aims at the development of a competence oriented teaching…

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