As part of the DREAMM project’s “Familiarizing with the Place” workshops, two DREAMM mentors in Hannover-Altwarmbüchen organised and led an excursion for a group of participants of German and non-German origin to the “Berggarten” (Castle Garden) in Hannover-Herrenhausen. The goal of the outing was to visit a local attraction that would be exciting for both “locals” and “new(ish) arrivals.” At the same time, low-threshold, mutual integration impulses were to be encouraged in a relaxed atmosphere. While they viewed a photo exhibition with the “best garden photos in the world” and browsed in smaller groups through one of the oldest botanical gardens in Germany, countless conversations and exchanges took place on all kinds of topics. At the end of the excursion, the group had coffee and cake at the Schlosskaffee, a German tradition, but one that the international participants obviously also enjoyed. One participant from Armenia said that when she has visitors in the future, she will definitely bring them to the Berggarten to show them one of the beautiful corners of her home city of Hannover.