Erasmus+ KA1 projects are the central instruments for Continuing Professional Development (CPD) for Adult Educators (AE) in Europe funded by the European Commission.
Our KA1 projects and mobilities are specifically vulnerable in the current Corona situation, since they are suffering from reduced mobility which affects all stakeholders involved, be it KA1 grant-holders (sending organisations), providers of courses and job shadowings but of course also those colleagues who have been looking forward to meet European colleagues and partners.
Therefore our REVEAL network decided to carry our two workshops for KA1 stakeholders to share with us and other European colleagues their experiences in this difficult situation, to network with other organisations and to develop creative ideas and approaches to respond to the current challenges and to restart quickly once mobilities are possible again.
We are also interested to exchange with you our ideas on how to support the KA1 community, to provide instruments for matching host organisations with sending organisations, to promote quality in KA1 mobilities and to create value for those who learned in European mobility.
The workshops will be carried out with state-of-the art online conferencing platform in connection with collaborative tools which provide utmost interactivity. They will be organised in three parts:
- Welcome and Introduction:
- Workshop Intro and brief presentation of background and idea (10 min)
- Work groups (in interactive moderated breakout sessions with max 8 participants each, 60 minutes) to discuss:
- Your Experiences and Exchange :
- Brief overview of the state of play in your organisations
- research and matching (finding appropriate offers)
- mobility phase (quality, interaction, benefits)
- expectations and experiences on impact
- Your ideas to cope with the challenges
- Your Experiences and Exchange :
- Presentation of workshop findings (15 min)
- Follow-up and networking
You can just enter the workshop – however, if the KA1 issues are relevant to you and you are defenitetely interested please register -> here
Our background: REVEAL and KA1:
We consider KA1 mobilities as ideal instruments for European Continuing Professional Development – and have participated and organised a number of different staff mobility events since 2016. Our roots go back to the former GINCO network (still in the Grundtvig LLP programme) in which we actively participated to establich a truly European and high quality approach for European IST courses for Educational Professionals
In the framework of a recent ERASMUS project (2016-2020) we developed the PROVIDE platform as an instrument to match KA1 grant holders with hosts of the staff mobility – providers of courses and job shadowings (https://provide-eu.org). Please visit the website and have a look at the flyer. We would like to continue this initiative for the sake of community building, advocating and quality assurance.
Additional Information:
If you are interested in the PROVIDE platform and want to issue your KA1 projects, job shadowing opportunities or courses/conferences please have a look at our –>flyer.