Update on the Practice Radicalisation Prevention Programme

During the last month, the “Practice Programme for the Prevention of Radicalisation” has been adapted and developed in detail to create a high value programme, a structure that is easy to apply in different teaching situations and that can cover the needs of the partner countries.

This collection consists of 14 different modules, divided into two parts – a collection of methods and strategies for teachers and a portfolio of non-formal education activities. A first internal testing phase was already carried out during the summer school event (Joint Staff Training Event) in Citta di Castello, with the result that comparable methods and materials are available for the common objectives.

Before the developed programme is published, a first field test – a pilot test with the first group of networked schools – will be carried out at the beginning of next year. The experience gained will be a relevant source to provide teachers and their students with methods and materials to prevent radicalisation.


Further information on the Practice Project can be found online:


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