
Update on Practice

The PRACTICE project is facing COVID 19 – and as this has an important impact on the piloting of the ” Practice Programme for the Prevention of Radicalisation”, the partnership is adapting and changing the way the programme is rolled out to teachers and students. To find out more, visit the PRACTICE website: Keep up to date with the development of OER – the Open Educational Resource and its first release in the coming months.

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DELPHI News #2

DELPHI’s main task is to develop a blended learning course on Heritage Interpretation and Social Cohesion. To this end, we have been throwing ourselves into the creative process over autumn and winter; developing training materials for our learning platform; preparing for; and delivering a 5 day face-to-face course on co-creating Interpretative Plans with a heritage or a local community in Belgium. Read more: Delphi Newsletter No. 2_March 2020.

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Staff training event in Göttingen and the impact of COVID 19

The agenda was set, the flights from 5 nations were booked, the room was organized and the coffee was almost ready – and then Corona happened (COVID 19). There was no discussion about whether the training event should take place or not. Staying healthy, keeping distance and avoiding direct contact was and is the most important decision, so the meeting was cancelled. Faced with this challenge, the partnership of the VESVET project decided to shift the focus from training to…

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The start of PITCH

Start for PITCH – A slightly different version of a kickoff meeting The new project PITCH – promotion and implementation of training on entrepreneurship, innovation and creativity in higher education – has been launched. The central focus of the project is the acquisition and validation of competences related to entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation. This is particularly important in view of the fact that these have not yet been thoroughly integrated into European higher education, either in the curricula or in…

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Practice Newsletter #3

The third newsletter of the Practice Project is online. It focuses on the first phase of the project – research – with the aim of developing, testing and disseminating an EU-wide CPD programme for teachers that focuses on promoting social, civic and intercultural competences and critical thinking among secondary school students in order to prevent radicalisation. It also offers a first look at the CPD programme, which has already been tested internally during the Citta di Castello meeting and is…

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VESVET Video animation based on LEVEL5

In VESVET we create tools to promote VET students to develop entrepreneurial competences to succeed in professional life. Among those tools that are currently developed are small animated video clips that exemplify the application of an entrepreneurial sub-competence in a concrete work situation, all based on the LEVEL5 competence framework. You can check out the first version here. Successivley we will produce further videos for additional competences and also a game for VET students posing them with the challenge of…

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I-CARE has started

In the last days of January the I-CARE consortium met for the first meeting of the project. I-CARE stands for Intercultural Care in the Social and Healthcare Sector and aims to promote intercultural skills of care workers to ease their interaction with clients with migration background. For this purpose a number of tools will be developed, among them an intercultural learning App for care workers. The meeting was hosted by BUPNET in Göttingen, where our partners from UK, Austria, Greece,…

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T4S – There will be an APP

The T4S SDG Explorer APP After several discussions and meetings, the T4S team decided to develop and create an APP that is beneficial for the employees and is a kind of simple guide to social responsibility – with a focus on the SDGs. But to keep the usability on a broader spectrum, we decided to make the APP usable not only for smartphones but also for browsers. Accordingly, the development will take some time and further meetings regarding the content…

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DATALIT – Kickoff Meeting

The Datalit project – A joint research project to spread Data Literacy at the interface of higher education and business – aims to create the basis for the integration of data literacy as a transversal theme in potentially all university courses by identifying and developing common curricula and innovative teaching and learning approaches. Based on a 4-step approach (blended learning, development of training resources, piloting of methodology and validated competences in relation to data literacy), the project focuses on three…

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Dedalus – Kickoff in Palermo

The Dedalus project – DEveloping DAta Literacy courses for University Students – aims to equip students with the necessary skills to meet future digital challenges and create added value for the companies and industries in which they will be employed. At the same time, by providing CPD qualifications for university professionals, it will develop the digital literacy skills of educators and enable them to transfer these skills into their practice. The kick-off meeting was hosted by the CNR (Italian National…

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