sebastian schwaebe

DEAL in “Seeking and mastering challenges”

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   The DEAL project has been running for almost 6 months and the partnership is working closely together to finalise the country mapping report. Interviews were conducted and online questionnaires were created in 6 countries to assess the needs of adult educators. These findings have been summarised and form the basis for the next steps of the DEAL project, the development of a competence framework and a modular learning approach based on it. Together with…

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The first DEAL flyer was just released

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   The first three months of the project are already behind us, focusing on taking stock phase but also keeping an eye on the development of the DEAL concept as a whole. Read our first flyer and stay tuned for further developments. Deal flyer Your DEAL team

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T4SD – The SD Course

The Facilitators’ training on Sustainable Development (SD) is about new ways of training and learning in enterprises and business. It is designed to introduce SD in the enterprises’ corporate management with the help of a truly participatory approach. Sustainable development is a hot topic worldwide. More and more enterprises and their employees people become aware of their responsibility for climate change mitigation, circular economy and corporate social responsibility – to name just a few elements and approaches relating to SD.…

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Practice Newsletter

The newsletter for the Radicalisation Prevention Practice Programme has been published. It summarises the questions, what it is about and what you can do with the Programme. Just follow the link and have a look: Available in German and English

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PRACTICE podcast

Tune in to Stadtradio Göttingen and listen to the podcast on the topic of “Fake News” developed by the Geschwister-Scholl-Gesamtschule Göttingen with the support of Sascha, Leena and Sebastian. Goes online on 23.02.2021 and will be rebroadcast on 27.01.2021!

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Practice at the 10the REVEAL conference

As a participant of the 10th Reveal conference with the motto “how to avoid learning lockdown online?”, the blinc team took part in the virtual exhibition and presented the Practice project at European level. As the common focus “Creativity, Innovation and Digitalisation at the interface between education, volunteering and business” aimed at the same goal, the Practice project just totally fit into the concept. Take a closer look at the poster we used for it in the virtual Exhibition!

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DEAL – Just started

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   “Online learning and collaboration were simply not envisaged as a standard mode of working and learning in adult education and professional development programmes.” Against this background, the DEAL project promotes the acquisition of competences required for adult educators. Seven partners from six European countries – adult education institutes (from DE, UK, IT, SE and SK) in cooperation with further education institutes for adult education professionals (DE, NL) specialised in blended learning, digitisation and learning…

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Practice at the “Noaf” conference

As part of the “No alternative facts” conference, the Practice Project was part of the cooperation to present the development and results of the 8th grade of the Geschwister-Scholl-Gesamtschule and to explain the future podcast (in cooperation with Stadtradio Göttingen). A group of young students dealt with the topic “No alternative facts” and online life, hate speech and cyberbullying and combined these areas into a joint episode. Even though the cooperation was difficult due to COVID 19, it was still…

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T4SD – First glimpse on the platform

The first structure and already much of the content of the modular learning system is available on the T4SD platform and can be downloaded. Over the last months, the partnership has been working on the development of the modular learning system, which can potentially be a great support for the implementation of sustainability in your company or organisation. The T4SD approach is based on five modules that are designed as learning units linking knowledge and related objectives (in the form…

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T4SD – CPD concept on its way

The T4SD project is moving towards the central aim of the project, the development of a training course (CPD course) that can support companies and organisations in implementing corporate social responsibility and lead to greater sustainability. At this stage, the partnerships are focusing on the development of a modular course system – the T4SD approach – that is both online and offline and easily accessible. The following modules will be mapped onto the T4SD platform: Competence-oriented learning and validation Sustainable…

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