Competences+ Investigative Study

Competences+ is an ERASMUS+ project with the objective to help participants in transnational work-based mobility projects to access the labour market upon their return in order to continue the educational process they had started before departure. This involves creating attractive tools for participants and promoting the added value of mobility projects to employers. The project is managed by ADICE from Roubaix in France. ASPEm from Italy, blinc from Germany and European Placement Network from the UK are partners. The project…

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Job Bridge – Kick-off in Paris

On 12./13. of February, 2019, the Job Bridge partners met in Paris for the kick-off meeting. The main purpose of the meeting was to get to know to each other and to plan in detail the first project activities. The partners discussed in detail the approach of the stocktaking and needs analysis phase and brainstormed those competences that can be aquired in volunteering activities, on the one hand, and that are at the same time relevant for future employers. Currently…

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PRACTICE – Kick-off meeting

The PRACTICE project – Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences aims to develop EU-wide continuing professional development (CPD) programme for teachers focussing on promotion of social, civic and intercultural competences and critical thinking of secondary school students. PRACTICE addresses current challenges and needs of preventing radicalisation in school and of supporting opportunities for teachers’ continuing professional development (CPD) in this area, by developing, testing and disseminating an innovative approach, using participatory methods collaborative process, that involve 7 partner organisations and…

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Job Bridge – The Start

Volunteering is an important means for (young) people to develop themselves, by building new relationships and gaining a whole set of life skills that can improve their employability. It serves to gather important experience in unknown fields, to develop social, personal and organisational competences. The Job Bridge project – Job Bridge for Volunteers, is a two year project, which aims to offer the means for educational providers dealing with volunteers to assess their volunteers’ competences and to support their learning…

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REST – success story from Vienna

Get an impression how our REST project supported companies and refugees in Vienna, Austria in the process of labour market integration of refugees. For English subtitles please activate the subtitles on vimeo. Therefore click on the ‘CC’ symbol in the video player – lower right corner next to the progress bar.

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DELPHI has started

How can Heritage Interpreters strengthen European core values and European identity? For many of its citizens Europe is still an abstract construction that is mostly identified with burocracy and limitation of national interests. When dealing with regional or local characteristics – for example cultural or natural monuments – people don’t merely link them to European identity or European values. DELPHI wants to professionalize Heritage Interpreters to strengthen European values and European identity locally and in its regions. Target groups are…

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RE-DIRECT – Conference in Baden Baden on 26./27.02.2019

The project consortium of the RE-DIRECT project invites you to its European conference taking place in Baden-Baden, Germany, on the 26th and 27th of February, 2019. The conference aims at discussing the current state of play, sharing and learning from innovative practices, exploring ways forward for using regional biomass for circular products and economic transformation. Apart from the one-day conference, you can visit the first large-scale IFBB-plant which has very recently been extended with a pyrolysis and activation unit for…

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VESVET has started

VESVET is an Erasmus+ project in the VET sector. Its full name is: LEVEL5 for Validation of Entrepreneurship Skills through Interactive Learning Sets in VET VESVET started in November 2018 with a first partner meeting in Vilnius, Lithuania and is set out to develop learning games and support material for trainers to promote the aquisition of VET students’ entrepreneurial competences they gain in internships. The learning activities are substantiated with a validation concept to evidence and recognise students’ competence developments.…

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