
DREAMM mentor training in Göttingen, Germany

After 4 intensive days of training, we congratulate 18 people on their new title as DREAMM mentors!! They will assist the integration process between newly arrived migrants coming from countries outside the European Union and members from the local community. Congratulations! We are already looking forward to planning and implementing exciting social community actions with you in the future.

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PRACTICE – 5th Newsletter

The fifth newsletter of the PRACTICE project has been published. This time the focus is on presenting the manual that was developed as a guide for the PRACTICE radicalisation prevention programme. The aim behind it is: It is meant to be a guide for teachers who want to incorporate methods and teaching/learning activities from the prevention programme into their lessons. PRACTICE 5th newsletter Stay up to date on further developments of the PRACTICE project and visit the website.

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DEAL – Have you heard of the DEAL PLATFORM

Digitalisation Experts in Adult Education   Another step in the development process of the DEAL project has been taken. A first version of the DEAL learning platform has just been published. Although it is only a draft version, the concept and methodology that will be used are already in place in rudimentary form. The partnership has invested a lot of time in developing the first modules for competence-based learning and validation, as well as promoting the design thinking approach. And…

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T4SD – The platform is online

Just this week, the T4SD platform was officially opened to all. As mentioned in previous posts, the platform includes a modular system that focuses on five different modules: competence-based learning and validation sustainable development facilitating the design thinking approach organisational development SDG fit approach These modules form the backbone of the T4SD project and are designed to support companies (employers as well as employees) and organisations in implementing sustainability and social responsibility. The experience gained during the SD course and…

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Become a mentor! with the DREAMM project

The DREAMM partners provide a short training course for those who are interested in becoming DREAMM mentors. The overall goal of this training is two-fold: i.e., enhance the quality of mentoring for professionals in the migration and integration sectors and increase the efficacy of lead mentors’ assistance to third country nationals. The training assists mentors develop unique communication skills and effective mentoring practices, thereby increasing awareness of what mentoring entails.  Interested? Read more about the DREAMM mentor training in this…

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DALFYS – Data in the classroom

How European schools deal with data Since the early steps of the project, all partners began a special research to understand how European schools have been dealt with data in their teachings. The research, coordinated by the Institute for Educational Technology of the National Research Council of Italy, will be carried out by each partner in their countries, so we expect to collect information from Italy, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Romania and Turkey. The key findings will inform the project implementation…

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PRACTICE – Final conference

On Tuesday 13 July 2021 from 13:30 CEST, KMOP – Centre for Social Action and Innovation from Greece – invites you to the online event “How to prevent violent radicalization in schools? The Power of Education”, organised in the framework of the European Erasmus+ project PRACTICE – Preventing Radicalism through Critical Thinking Competences. This final conference will mark the end of the project. This event will give us the opportunity to present the work done during the three years of…

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DALFYS – Just started

With a remote meeting held on May 2021 the 11th, the project Dalfys finally started! Funded by Erasmus+ Programme and with a consortium of 8 partners coordinated by the Italian secondary school ITET “Girolamo Caruso”, the project aims at developing DAta Literacy competences For Young students towards STEAM education. The Consortium is composed by 4 secondary schools: ITET Girolamo Caruso (coordinator, Italy), Siauliu Didzdvario Gymnasium (Lithuania), Liceul Tehnologic Costache Conachi (Romania), TED Bursa College (Turkey). Together with the accredited teacher…

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T4SD – at the 11th REVEAL Conference

The 11th REVEAL conference took place at the end of April – for the second time as an online event. Organised by the CIM project and the projects T4SD, the motto of the conference was: Sustainability as the key to innovation. A combination of innovative approaches to implementing sustainability in educational institutions, organisations and businesses. The conference programme was designed as a two-day online event combining theoretical inputs and good practice experiences with a practical part in the form of…

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The DREAMM Project

The new project DREAMM has started. DREAMM stands for “Develop and Realise Empowering Actions for Mentoring Migrants”. It is about “New ways of bringing together newly arrived Third-Country Nationals and local communities”. Integration between newly arrived migrants coming from countries outside the European Union and members from the local communities is still a challenge for the EU. Eight organisations from Austria, Cyprus, Germany, Greece, Italy, and Malta, with different field migration expertise, are operating together to experiment with various community…

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