sebastian schwaebe

GSD – Kick-Off meeting in Göttingen

The GSD project finally had its kick-off meeting in Göttingen The GSD project officially kicked off with its first face-to-face meeting in Göttingen at the end of June 2022. All six partners from five European countries – Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, Slovakia and Sweden as well as Germany as host – came together to focus on the common goal: Raising awareness and empowering adult learners to change their behaviour and actively engage in sustainability and create sustainable development projects. The partnership…

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DALFYS – in Gdansk (Danzig)

Preparing the DALFYS training course for secondary school teachers in Poland in September ‘22 After more than one year of online meetings, collaborations and pair work, partners are now ready to meet each other in presence! It will happen in September in Gdańsk, Poland, for the Short-term joint staff training event. This event will be held in the headquarters of the Polish partner “DC Edukacja”, that is organizing the meeting under the guidance of the project coordinator ITET Girolamo Caruso.…

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DALFYS – Piloting is gonna start soon

All lessons have been translated in several languages Data Literacy in seven languages! It is the result of a great work of the Dalfys’ consortium members that have dealt with the English version of the Data Literacy course created by Dataninja. Each partner, with the help of English-speaking teachers, worked to translate all four modules composed of approximately 150 slides. It is a huge result because it entails a big step ahead in terms of inclusion and accessibility for our…

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DALFYS – Ready to go

Lesson plan and learning units, now we have it!! Great news from the Dalfys project! In the past weeks (and months) partners worked a lot to shape the educational offering of the project. The first news is that Dataninja has created a basic course focused on Data Literacy, composed of four modules. The course has been released within the project website under a specific section called Dalfys Educational Content. Here all partners can learn the basics of data literacy, as…

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DEAL goes Europe

2 days, 72 students, 8 prototypes and a lot of creativity later, the workshop “Innovations in Digital Learning at European Universities” came to a successful end. Design in short theoretical inputs combined with online collaboration sessions, students from all over Europe worked together and explored the Design Based Collaborative Learning approach and made their first experiences. The main feature of this workshop was that it was interdisciplinary, involving students from a wide range of disciplines such as physics, adult education, social…

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DALFYS – First glance on the DALFYS Framework

Here we are with the Dalfys’ competence framework Driven by Bupnet, all partners worked together to collect competences of interest in their educational context. Through the help of a Miro Board,  partners worked on tandem in virtual room on the Zoom platform and defined knowledge, skills and attitudes related to four main competences. Then all members of the consortium looked to all the sub competences described to see if they were clear to everyone. At the end, partners highlighted the…

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DALFYS – First steps towards the LMS

Dalfys’ smart learning environment The Dalfys learning environment has to be smart, inclusive and easy-to-use for all partners. Moreover it will hold all the educational content in different languages in order to be helpful for the training of teachers and the piloting phase. With these objectives all consortium members agreed to create an educational section in the Dalfys’ project website, avoiding the access to other platforms and to configure new technical components such as Moodle or other LMS (Learning Management…

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Deal at the REVEAL 12 – This was the conference

The 12th Reveal conference in a hybrid format has just been held with a successful presentation of different formats combining online participants from all over Europe and local participants from Palermo as well as some European partners we had the pleasure to travel to. In close contact with the Datalit and Pitch project, the Deal project offered a first insight into new and innovative learning approaches that can be used in different scenarios. The concept was characterised by a mixture…

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DALFYS – A view on details

What competences we will work with What competences we will work with? To get an answer to this question, the Consortium has been guided by the partner Bupnet to collect a list of competences and sub-competences through a dedicated questionnaire. It is a strong opportunity to share needs and expectations, also because each partner is more confident with the topic of “Data Literacy” after having worked at the desk research. From data security to data collection, from storytelling to fake…

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PRACTICE – Final newsletter

The final newsletter has just been published. This is the final newsletter of the PRACTICE project after three successful years. Practice 7th Newsletter The newsletter summarises the most important results of the partnership such as: the Research Report, the Radicalisation Prevention Programme, the Teachers Handbook and the Policy Recommendation Paper. The results are also published on the project’s website and are freely available to all. Many thanks to the whole team, the great partners and the good cooperation during the…

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